Hoose Library of Philosophy Faculty and Staff


Dr. Melissa L. Miller
Email: millerm@usc.edu
Humanities I Philosophy I Classics I Religion I Anthropology I Linguistics
Associate Professor of Management in Library and Information Science
Resources for Research, Learning, & Teaching (RLT): https://linktr.ee/libresources 
USC Faculty Fellow, Center for Excellence in Teaching


Christina Snider

Christina Snider, M.M.L.I.S.

Hoose Library of Philosophy, Library and Student Assistant Supervisor

Email: sniderch@usc.edu

Christina earned a Master of Management in Library and Information Science (MMLIS) from USC Marshall School of Business in 2019, and has been the Hoose Library & student assistant supervisor since January 2020. She earned her B.A. in Telecommunications (Television Production Track), with a minor in Film Studies, from Pepperdine University in May 2005. Prior to USC Christina spent 15 years in casting for television and movies.