- Research Support
Subject Librarians Use the Directory to search for librarians by Subject Expertise, or use the list on the Ask a Librarian page (below). Contact subject librarians for in-depth research help, workshops, and consultations.
Ask a Librarian Get research help through email, phone, chat, or in person, or find your subject librarian.
Research Guides Curated collections of resources and strategies by subject, discipline, and program.
Dissertations and Theses Locate dissertations and theses at USC and beyond; information on preparing and submitting dissertations and theses.
Tutorials Learn important skills for conducting library research, such as knowing the best places to go for different information types, evaluating sources, and developing search terms.
- Accessing and Using Resources
Borrowing Materials Policies and procedures - distance users are afforded all of the same borrowing privileges as other students. Use Scan and Deliver for items USC owns (we'll ship them to you!), and InterLibrary Loan for items USC doesn't own
Remote access to electronic resources
Course reserves Electronic course readingsScan and deliver Interlibrary loan and document delivery for items that are both USC-owned and that are not owned by USC- Managing your Research/Publishing
Set up Google Scholar to link to USC Libraries holdings in your search results. In Google Scholar, under “Settings,” choose “Library Links” and type in “University of Southern California.”
USC Intellectual Property Policy
Academic Integrity: A Guide for Graduate Students
Fair Use: Using Images in Papers, Theses, and Dissertations