
Brainstorming Your Research Topic

Struggling to select a topic for your research assignment? Here are practical strategies to brainstorm a topic and begin to develop a research question.

Chicago Style Notes & Bibliography

This tutorial provides an overview on formatting common academic sources for the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition following the Notes & Bibliography format.

Crafting a Good Research Question

Covers strategies for developing an interesting and manageable research question by brainstorming and exploring resources. NOTE: works best in Firefox browser.

Critical Reading Strategies for Research (Essential Questions)

Instructors often ask students to engage more deeply with sources when doing research and writing. But what does that mean, exactly? This video draws on educational psychology and instructional design theory to give students concrete strategies for engaging deeply and meaningfully with sources by asking “Essential questions” about the readings.

Developing Keywords - Please use Firefox Browser to play tutorial

Many times, a good database search is just a matter of the right keywords. This covers how to develop keywords from a research question, and how to modify them for better results. NOTE: works best in Firefox browser.

Evaluating Sources

Not all sources are created equal! This tutorial covers the basics of how to tell if a source is appropriate for your assignment and research need.

Find Research Instruments in Instrument Databases

Learn to locate reliable and validated research instruments in instrument databases, such as Mental Measurements Yearbook, PsycTESTS, and Health and Psychosocial Instruments.

Find Research Instruments in Literature Databases

Learn to locate reliable and validated research instruments in literature databases, such as CINAHL, PsycINFO, and PubMed.