Women of Integrity Celebrating 175 Years of The Immaculate Heart Community
Add to Calendar 2023-09-25 17:00:00 2024-02-13 16:00:00 Women of Integrity Celebrating 175 Years of The Immaculate Heart Community DML - Ground Floor Rotunda America/Los_Angeles public

In 1848, a new Catholic religious order was founded in Spain, with an emphasis on the education of women. In 1871, ten pioneering women from the Daughters of the
Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary arrived in California to teach in Catholic schools. Over the next century, the organization grew steadily with the establishment
of a convent, high school, and college in Los Angeles. During the turbulent and transformative period of the 1960s, when longstanding religious traditions were
challenged, the organization broke away from the Catholic church to chart its own path forward with a new conception of spiritual practice and engagement with the
world. Now dedicated to social and environmental justice—in addition to maintaining its roots in education—the Immaculate Heart Community remains a powerful force as
the group marks its 175th anniversary. Women of Integrity highlights the community’s fascinating history through a selection of archival materials that were donated to
the USC Libraries in 2022.