Includes two databases. National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance and Exile, 1933-1945, is a database containing fundamental primary sources on the Nationalist Socialist State and the NSDAP, Nazi ideology and propaganda, National Socialist justice and legislation, on resistance and persecution, and annihilation and expulsion in the Third Reich. These carefully compiled and digitized documents contain total of approximately 40,000 sources with about 450,000 pages.Daily Reports of the Gestapo Headquarters in Vienna 1938-1945 is a research database containing all 741 surviving reports outlining the mood, the political environment and security measures in Vienna and the surrounding region. Published, for the first time, the individual reports are published as first time facsimiles. The photo collection is compiled from the (once confidential) records department of the Gestapo in Vienna.User Interface: English and German; Language: German.