Updates to USC's Knovel Electronic Reference Library

The Knovel Research Library of electronic books is especially focused on chemical, material, and engineering topics.  You can search across all the volumes in USC's subscription, or go to a specific title.  Most titles allow you to print out each chapter in PDF.  Knovel itself is not new, but they have some novel improvements for the new year, including:

  • The second edition of Knovel Critical Tables, a great quick look up resource, covering heat capacity and thermal conductivity, reaction thermodynamics and equilibrium constants, density and compressibility, vaporization and vapor pressure, thermal expansion, transport and flow, and electrical properties data.
  • A search widget you can download to easily access Knovel from your computer desktop, and
  • An instructional video.

Remember, you can ALWAYS get to the periodic table of elements via Knovel, too!