Apologia in Io. Bap. Morini librum, cui titulus, Alae tellvris fractae

Full Title:
Apologia in Io. Bap. Morini librum, cui titulus, Alae tellvris fractae : epistola IV.de Motu impresso à Motore translato. Vnà cum tribus Galilaei Epistolis de conciliatione Scripturae S.cum Systemate Telluris mobilis, quarum duae posteriores nondum editae, nunc primùm M. Nevraei curâ prodeunt.
Pierre Gassendi was a French philosopher, priest, astronomer and mathematician, and is best known for publishing the first data on the transit of the planet Mercury, and as one of the first intellectuals to employ both skepticism and empiricism in his writing. This text is one of Gassendi's major works on astronomy.
Conservation Needs:
Box and conservation: Front and back covers need reattachment; spine and covers need repair; paper needs cleaning.