Eddie Loh

USC Libraries Info Tech Admin (IT)
Office: CEM 202, Mail Code: 0101

Research Areas



Working with the team to develop an effective and innovative bioinformatics support for the UPC community. Leading the implementation of such strategy and carrying out the routine operation on UPC, including such tasks as user consultation, training, collaborative data analysis, as well as grant application support.

Leading the efforts of augmenting our bioinformatics software offering by implementing open-source bioinformatics tools on our own computing resources.  Developing workshops and provide training on such tools for USC users.

Managing users access of our licensed commercial software for UPC users, as well as participating in various daily operational activities of our program.

Maintains a current awareness of newly developed bioinformatics tools and develops innovative approaches to disseminating this information.


PhD, Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2011

MS, Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics Institute, National University of Singapore, 2004

B.Eng, Chemical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 2000

Subject Matter Expertise

  • Bioinformatics