NML - Conference Rooms

  • Computer

Two conference rooms on the lower level are available for USC meetings, workshops, site visits and videoconferencing.


  • Rooms are equipped with a Windows 10 computer workstation, projector, large projection screen and laptop connector for the projector. A USC NetID is required to log into the Conference Room stations.


Room Details

West Conference Room (B16): 51 person capacity

Table and chairs in the Norris Medical Library West Conference Room


East Conference Room (B8): 33 person capacity

Tables and chairs in the Norris Medical Library East Conference Room

Conference Room Use Policies:

  • Reservations are required. Make reservation requests 24 hours or earlier ahead of your meetings.
  • May only be reserved by USC faculty, staff, and student organizations.
  • The Conference Rooms are not intended for classroom or study space, but can be reserved for a few class sessions during the semester. For study space reservations, see Group Study Rooms.
  • Loud or disruptive behavior is not permitted.
  • Borrow the room key from the Loan Desk using a valid USCard or USC ID.
  • At the end of the meeting, leave the room in an orderly condition, turn off the lights, and lock the door.
  • Food is not permitted in the conference rooms.
  • Specify multimedia equipment needs when making reservations. If you need help using the A/V equipment, schedule an equipment walk-through prior to your meeting by emailing medlib@usc.edu.
  • Report any equipment problems to the Loan Desk before leaving the library. Repair fees are assessed when applicable.
  • Regularly scheduled meetings are discouraged and are subject to “bumping” by higher priority groups.
  • Reservations are limited to two per month.
  • The library reserves the right to deny requests for use of the room and to reschedule or cancel room reservations up to 3 days prior to the event.
  • The library reserves the right to cancel reservations for groups who do not observe the policies stated above and that have outstanding fees.