Two conference rooms on the lower level are available for USC meetings, workshops, site visits and videoconferencing.FeaturesRooms are equipped with a Windows 10 computer workstation, projector, large projection screen and laptop connector for the projector. A USC NetID is required to log into the Conference Room stations.ReservationsRoom reservations are required. Check the West Conference Room calendar (room B16) and East Conference Room calendar (room B8) for availability. Conference Rooms can be reserved up to 3 months in advance. To reserve a room or for additional information, email: Room DetailsWest Conference Room (B16): 51 person capacity East Conference Room (B8): 33 person capacityConference Room Use Policies:Reservations are required. Make reservation requests 24 hours or earlier ahead of your meetings.May only be reserved by USC faculty, staff, and student organizations.The Conference Rooms are not intended for classroom or study space, but can be reserved for a few class sessions during the semester. For study space reservations, see Group Study Rooms.Loud or disruptive behavior is not permitted.Borrow the room key from the Loan Desk using a valid USCard or USC ID.At the end of the meeting, leave the room in an orderly condition, turn off the lights, and lock the door.Food is not permitted in the conference rooms.Specify multimedia equipment needs when making reservations. If you need help using the A/V equipment, schedule an equipment walk-through prior to your meeting by emailing any equipment problems to the Loan Desk before leaving the library. Repair fees are assessed when applicable.Regularly scheduled meetings are discouraged and are subject to “bumping” by higher priority groups.Reservations are limited to two per month.The library reserves the right to deny requests for use of the room and to reschedule or cancel room reservations up to 3 days prior to the event.The library reserves the right to cancel reservations for groups who do not observe the policies stated above and that have outstanding fees.
8am to 10pm NML - Study Areas Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Not Reservable No Whiteboard
8am to 10pm NML - Group Study Rooms No Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Reservable Whiteboard