Print, copy, & scan in the LibraryFor help printing, copying, and scanning at the library see the USC Libraries printing services page. Laptops10 Dell laptops equipped with the same software suite available on the Library desktop computersAvailable for check out by USC students onlyLimited to one computer per student3 day checkout, due at the end of the third business dayNo renewals, no holds, and may leave the libraryAvailable on a first-come, first served basisPatrons must complete and sign a borrowing agreement formItems must be returned to the loan desk by the due date/time to avoid feesLate fee of $5 per item per day, max of $50 Laptop not returned by due date results in $1,200 replacement fee + $100 processing feeAny damage to computer and/or accessories will result in fees up to $1,200 + $100 processing Power chargers, laptop locks & video adaptersVarious selection of phone/laptop chargers, adapters, laptop locks and accessories such as calculators and headphonesAvailable for checkout by USC faculty, staff, and studentsItems circulate for three hours and can be renewed at the Loan Desk Items are for in-library use onlyA $1.00 per hour fee is charged for late returns, max fine of $50Replacement cost +$10 service fee charged for unreturned items Desktop Computers in the library66 workstations available throughout the librarySoftware installed USC Computer AccountsUSC faculty, staff and students are issued computer accounts when they join the university. Additional computing accounts described below provide other groups with USC electronic services including email, USCards, Brightspace, and access to library electronic resources. To request an account, contact your department:Childrens' Hospital Los Angeles/CHLA staff : ooaa@chla.usc.eduLos Angeles General Medical Center Residents: Mary Samaniego 323-442-9311 samanieg@med.usc.eduKeck Medical Center: Mario Soleta 323-865-8116 soleta@med.usc.eduKeck School of Medicine: Brianna Avila Brianna.Avila@med.usc.eduKeck School of Medicine Visiting Students: Marlene Truong 323-442-2156 marlenet@usc.eduOccupational Therapy: Sonia De Mesa 323-442-2486 Elaine Miyamoto 323-442-0994 emiyamot@usc.eduPhysical Therapy: Lydia Vazquez 323-442-1883 lvazquez@pt.usc.eduHerman Ostrow School of Dentistry: Lizette Chavez 213-740-9620 chavezl@ostrow.usc.eduCenter for Craniofacial Molecular Biology: Zhounan Liu 323-442-3169 and Melinda Huang 323-442-1628 mhuang62@usc.eduProfessor Emeritus*: 213-740-8921 emeriti@usc.eduOthers: Dennis Martinez, 213-821‑1273,*Please visit our borrowing privileges page for more information about retired and Professor Emeritus use of resources. Affiliate accountsUSC electronic services are available to:Interns, residents, fellowsVoluntary facultyEmployees of USC-affiliated hospitalsVisiting students and scholarsTemporary agency employeesApplications for affiliate accounts require sponsorship by your department chair or home department coordinator. Not all affiliates are eligible for all USC electronic services. Departmental/Org accountsOrganizational accounts allow departments and faculty/staff organizations affiliated with the university to provide information and services via email. For new accounts, submit a request to Student Organizational AccountsStudent organizations that are recognized by the university are eligible for an account for organizational email and web pages.The USC Student Organizations website provides information on applying to be a recognized organization and obtaining an email account for your organization. USC Web AccountsFor options for publishing information on the web, see the USC ITS website.