Part of the USC Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study, the Ahmanson Lab offers technology, equipment, and services to USC faculty, staff, and students as well as technology-oriented workshops, talks, sponsored projects, and collaborative research labs. The space itself contains 40 study seats, 6 movable whiteboards, and one collaborative room (310H), reservable online.
noon to 8pm Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 1st Floor No Computer Non-Event Space No Group Study Individual Study no projector Talking Allowed Not Reservable No Whiteboard
noon to 8pm Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 2nd Floor No Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Reservable Whiteboard
noon to 8pm Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 3rd Floor No Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Reservable Whiteboard