Study carrels and open tables provide comfortable study space. Wireless networks and ethernet jacks support laptop connectivity. study seats - 100 study seats are equipped with electrical outlets for laptop use; laptop lounge chairs and carrels are also available collaborative rooms - six group study rooms available. Room capacities vary from 2 to 9 students. 302A, 301C-F are reservable online. 302B holds 9 students and is first come first served. access to electricity for laptop users - study tables, laptop lounge chairs, and group study rooms provide easy access to electricity fast network connectivity - 1 gigabit per second West wing of 3rd floor - seats for quiet study East wing of 3rd floor - Mon.-Thurs., 3-8 pm, area is used for collaborative student work and may not be suitable for quiet study.
24 Hours LVL - Ahmanson Information Commons Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Talking Allowed Reservable Whiteboard
24 Hours Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 1st Floor No Computer Non-Event Space No Group Study Individual Study no projector Talking Allowed Not Reservable No Whiteboard
24 Hours Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 2nd Floor No Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Reservable Whiteboard