Thirteen of the group study rooms (201A-G and 202B-H) on the 2nd floor have been enhanced with 30" Samsung monitors and HDMI cables, so that students can display their laptop screens on the large monitors. These rooms hold 4-6 students each. Reserve these rooms online at Room 202I is available for large study groups of up to 14 students. Reserve online at Room 202A is first come first served for up to 14 students. Room 201D is reserved for librarian consultations; it is open for study space when not in use. The room holds up to 14 students, and provides a large 60" Samsung display and long tables for study. The room is equipped to allow students to project to the large display from their mobile devices. See instructions in the room for more information. 310 study seats access to electricity for laptop users - group study rooms have tables with electrical outlets for laptop use, study tables and laptop lounge chairs provide easy access to electricity collaborative rooms - 17 group study rooms hold 4-6 students each, 2 group study rooms (202A and 202J) for large groups of 14 students each printer/scanner/copiers - printer counter holds 3 printer/scanner/copiers fast network connectivity - 1 gigabit per second reading area in lobby - McNaughton Collection (recent bestsellers), with comfortable chairs To reserve a group study room, go to:
24 Hours LVL - Ahmanson Information Commons Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Talking Allowed Reservable Whiteboard
24 Hours Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 1st Floor No Computer Non-Event Space No Group Study Individual Study no projector Talking Allowed Not Reservable No Whiteboard
24 Hours Reservable Reserve Now LVL - 3rd Floor No Computer Non-Event Space Group Study Individual Study no projector Quiet Study Reservable Whiteboard